Bringing hearing accessories along on your next vacay doesn’t have to mean excess baggage on your mind — check out our helpful checklist.
Read MoreOn the Menu: Deaf-Friendly Restaurants
Delicious food always makes us happy, but delicious food with a side of great customer service is worth going out of the way for!
Read MoreEnjoying the Sand and Waves? Protect Your Hearing Aids!: 8 Simple Do’s & Don’ts
Sun, sand, and water — all ingredients for a fun-filled summer. But how can you soak up the best of the season and protect your hearing aids from heat, moisture, and debris? We’ve got you covered.
Read MoreHearing & Empowered: Embrace the Season With Gusto
Embrace summer with gusto. Whether having some local fun or taking a trip, here are six ways your hearing technology can help you dive in.
Read More6 Tips For A Comfortable Flight
Your Ears and Altitude You’re cruising at 39,000 feet, seat reclined, in-flight movie rolling along, when the pilot announces, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re beginning our descent. Please put your seats and tray tables in the upright position, and prepare for...
The Link Between the Zika Virus and Hearing Loss
The more research that is done on the Zika virus, the more researchers learn of its long-lasting effects. One of the newest findings? The link between the virus and hearing loss. One of the most impactful ways to protect you...
5 Tips for a Comfy Car Ride
Does back pain drive you crazy while on the road? Here are five tips to help you put the brakes on discomfort so you can focus on the fun. Long car rides can cause your hips, butt, lower back, and...